Small Group GRIT Training

Small Group GRIT Training

from $275.00

This is a powerful option for those GRIT athletes who want to take advantage of our training with a few fellow athletes which will lower the cost for each involved. Includes FREE GRIT Off ice training.


Here's the breakdown for 3 Athletes:

  • Ice time - $205

  • On ice GRIT coach- $60/hr + $5/player = $70

  • Off ice GRIT coach - $30/hr = FREE

    Total $275 / 3 athletes = $90/Athlete

(5 athletes = $72/player - 7 athletes = $42/player - 10 athletes = $31/player)

Total price is divided by number of participating athletes, so it pays to bring your friends!

This provides;

1) GRIT Hockey customized programming
2) Full use of private ice time
3) Added dimension of training competitively 
4) Lower cost

This is a great way to get a taste of GRIT Private Training, and save big!

Ice time($205/hr):
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