The Vision
Conscious Training - Conscious Athlete
Hockey reflects life. The game has countless lessons to teach the athlete who humbly & relentlessly builds the skills that produce success within the game. These lessons transfer to life. The approach of GRIT Hockey to tirelessly pursue excellence in the on-ice skills, and also the whole of the athlete.
Hockey has progressed at break neck speed in the last 10 years and the bar for success has been raised. But the same fundamental skills remain, and the same lessons must be learned. That's where we come in.
THE VISION OF GRIT Hockey is to build better training in Colorado springs and beyond. This is accomplished not merely through building on ice skills. Long term success in hockey and in life is BUILT in every facet of the athlete. So in our training we relentlessly build THE BODY through comprehensive mobility & strength, ICE SKILLS through emphasis on masterful fundamentals, and growing THE MIND through engaged focus on all parts of training.
With these building blocks we will build better hockey players. We will also build better young men & women who can walk through their lives with the same GRIT that they have on the ice.
Let's get to work.
Phil Yarger - GRIT Hockey
"Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect."